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About Seeding

There are many points throughout the year where your lawn may need some seeding touchups. For early spring we spot seed since nobody’s lawn is perfect all year every year, and after the winter, you will likely have bare patches for a variety of reasons.

This is a great time to get the right seed into your lawn and start the healing process. Then we start the Spring seeding because on many lawns, the shade trees create a lack of sunlight that has a drastic effect on the grass. During this visit, we spend additional time and effort aerating the thin, bare areas and mixing in a good, strong shade seed. If the seed gets diligent water, it will fill in before the leaves on the trees do and you’ll have a decent lawn covering for a good portion of the season.

Moving into late spring we spot seed because even though we already spot seeded areas of your lawn during our first visit, we can now “touch up” those areas that still need some help. Teed & Brown always has a variety of the best seed blends on each truck for just this type of situation.

Moving into early Fall we like to spot seed because you will probably have some bare patches that just couldn’t handle the Summer heat. No problem, it’s probably better that those weak patched dies, because now we can seed with stronger, more viable seed blends. We always have the best blends of seed on the trucks so that our technicians can choose the right seed for your lawn.

Finally, in mid Fall we like to do a seeding touch-up, even though it’s getting into the end of the growing season, we can often still get some great grass to grow in before the Winter hits. If any bare patches are still evident, we will re-seed them during this service.