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Spring Season 2024

Spring into Action: The Ultimate Spring Lawn Care Guide.

Spring is a season of opportunity and anticipation, offering the chance to breathe new life into your turf after winter dormancy. It’s that time of year… 


What are we seeing in the Connecticut/New York area? (Updated weekly)

Overall, our lawns are still looking good, but we are beginning to see signs of drought stress. Over the past year, we’ve been fortunate to have rain on a 2-3 day cycle. However, in the past couple of weeks, rainfall has decreased to about once a week.

This 5-7 day interval without rain can stress lawns, especially those without irrigation, those being cut short, or those on sandy or shallow soils. These conditions can cause lawns to turn brown and appear stressed.

There is a chance of rain and thunderstorms later today, which we hope will help alleviate some of the stress. However, it’s crucial to continue watering your lawn regularly.

Upcoming Weather Concerns

Looking ahead to next week, we are expecting our first heat wave of the season. Forecasts indicate 4-5 days with temperatures reaching 90 degrees or higher. This heat will undoubtedly stress our cool-season grasses, which thrive best below 85 degrees.

Lawn Care Tips to Manage Heat Stress

To help your lawn withstand these challenging conditions, here are a few important tips:

  1. Mow at a Higher Setting: Keep your lawn mowed at 3 inches or higher. Taller grass retains moisture better and is more resilient. Cutting your lawn too short can quickly damage it.

  2. Mow During Cooler Times: Avoid mowing during the heat of the day. Mowing adds stress to the lawn and doing it during peak heat amplifies this stress significantly. Early morning or late afternoon is the best time to mow.

  3. Irrigation: If you have an irrigation system, make sure it’s running regularly. Currently, we recommend watering 3-4 days a week for 30 to 45 minutes. With the upcoming heat wave, you may need to water daily.

  4. For Non-Irrigated Lawns: If you don’t have an irrigation system, your lawn will be more dependent on natural rainfall. Be prepared for some areas to brown out as we navigate through this period.

Stay Prepared

By following these tips and keeping an eye on the weather, you can help your lawn remain healthy and vibrant. Recommendations can change with the weather, so be sure to follow us on the following social media platforms for weekly summer weather updates.

What happens to lawns during the spring?

In the spring, several significant changes occur in your lawn:

  1. Emergence of Dormant Grass: As temperatures rise, grass that has been dormant during the winter begins to awaken and grow again. You’ll notice new green shoots emerging from the soil, signaling the start of the growing season.
  2. Thickening and Greening: With the onset of warmer weather and increased sunlight, grass blades start to thicken and deepen in color. This growth phase results in a lusher, greener lawn as the weeks progress.
  3. Weed Growth: Alongside grass growth, weeds also begin to sprout in the spring. It’s essential to monitor for weed growth early in the season and take appropriate measures to control them to prevent them from overtaking your lawn.
  4. Recovery from Winter Damage: Spring is the time for your lawn to recover from any damage it may have sustained during the winter months. This could include repairing bare patches, addressing soil compaction, and rejuvenating grass that may have been affected by snow mold or other winter diseases.
  5. Fertilization and Nutrient Uptake: Spring is an ideal time to fertilize your lawn to provide essential nutrients for healthy growth. Grass roots are actively absorbing nutrients from the soil during this time, making it an opportune moment for fertilization.
  6. Increased Mowing Frequency: As grass growth accelerates in the spring, you’ll likely need to increase the frequency of mowing to keep your lawn looking neat and well-maintained. Regular mowing encourages healthy growth and helps prevent the spread of weeds.
  7. Preparation for Summer Stress: Spring is also a crucial time to prepare your lawn for the stress it may face during the hot summer months. This includes proper irrigation, aeration, and ensuring that your grass is healthy and resilient enough to withstand summer heat and drought conditions.

Overall, spring is a time of rejuvenation and growth for your lawn, setting the stage for a healthy and vibrant landscape throughout the rest of the year.


The Importance of Aerating your lawn in the Spring

Click the link below to learn everything you need to know about fall aeration.

Aerating your lawn in the spring after the winter months is particularly important due to several factors:

  1. Compacted Soil from Winter: Winter conditions, such as snow accumulation and frozen ground, can exacerbate soil compaction. This compaction restricts the movement of air, water, and nutrients in the soil, hindering grass growth and health. Aerating the lawn in the spring helps alleviate this compaction, allowing for better air and water circulation and promoting healthier root development.
  2. Thawing and Frost Heaving Effects: The freeze-thaw cycle during winter can cause soil particles to expand and contract, leading to soil displacement and uneven surfaces. This process, known as frost heaving, can result in compacted areas and soil imbalances. Aerating the lawn in the spring helps to level the surface and break up compacted soil, restoring uniformity and promoting even growth.
  3. Encouraging New Growth: Spring is a time of renewal for lawns, with grass beginning to emerge from dormancy and grow actively again. Aerating the lawn in the spring provides an ideal opportunity to stimulate new growth by creating space for grass roots to expand and access essential nutrients. This promotes a thicker, healthier lawn with improved overall appearance.
  4. Preventing Winter Damage Recovery: Winter weather can cause various forms of damage to lawns, including snow mold, ice damage, and compaction from heavy snow or foot traffic. Aerating the lawn in the spring helps to address and mitigate these issues by promoting better soil drainage, reducing thatch buildup, and improving overall soil health. This sets the stage for faster recovery and healthier growth during the spring and summer months.
  5. Enhanced Effectiveness of Lawn Treatments: Aeration enhances the effectiveness of other lawn care treatments applied in the spring, such as fertilization and overseeding. By loosening the soil and creating pathways for nutrients and water, aeration ensures that these treatments can penetrate the soil more effectively and reach the grass roots, maximizing their benefits for lawn health and vitality.

In summary, aerating your lawn in the spring after the winter months is essential for addressing soil compaction, promoting new growth, and facilitating recovery from winter damage. It sets the stage for a healthier, more resilient lawn that can thrive throughout the growing season.

Spring Weeds!

As spring breathes new life into lawns, it also brings with it the emergence of pesky weeds. From dandelions to crabgrass, these unwelcome invaders compete with grass for sunlight, water, and nutrients, threatening to mar the beauty of your landscape. Understanding common spring lawn weeds and implementing timely prevention and control measures is essential to maintaining a healthy, lush lawn. With proper identification and targeted treatments, you can effectively combat spring weeds, ensuring your lawn remains a vibrant oasis of green throughout the season.


Why is it important to fertilize your lawn in the spring? 

Fertilizing your lawn in the spring is important for several key reasons:

  1. Providing Essential Nutrients: After the winter months, your lawn may be depleted of essential nutrients needed for healthy growth. Fertilizing in the spring replenishes these nutrients, providing the necessary nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK), along with other micronutrients, to support robust grass growth, vibrant color, and overall lawn health.
  2. Promoting Strong Root Development: Spring fertilization encourages strong root development in your grass. Healthy roots are essential for absorbing water and nutrients from the soil, anchoring the grass plants securely, and making them more resilient to stressors such as drought, heat, and foot traffic.
  3. Stimulating Lush Green Growth: Fertilizing in the spring stimulates vigorous growth in your lawn, resulting in a thicker, denser turf with lush green coloration. This helps to fill in bare patches, crowd out weeds, and create a more aesthetically pleasing and resilient lawn that can better withstand environmental pressures.
  4. Boosting Recovery from Winter Stress: Lawns can experience stress and damage during the winter months due to factors such as cold temperatures, snow accumulation, and ice formation. Spring fertilization provides the necessary nutrients to help your lawn recover from winter stress, encouraging new growth and rejuvenation.
  5. Enhancing Weed Control: A healthy, vigorously growing lawn is more effective at competing with weeds for resources such as sunlight, water, and nutrients. By fertilizing your lawn in the spring and promoting strong grass growth, you create conditions that inhibit weed establishment and growth, reducing the need for chemical weed control measures.
  6. Maximizing Overall Lawn Health: Fertilizing your lawn in the spring is a proactive measure to ensure the long-term health and vitality of your turf. Regular fertilization helps to maintain soil fertility, balance nutrient levels, and sustain optimal grass growth, resulting in a beautiful, resilient lawn that you can enjoy throughout the growing season.

In summary, fertilizing your lawn in the spring is essential for providing essential nutrients, promoting strong root development, stimulating lush green growth, boosting recovery from winter stress, enhancing weed control, and maximizing overall lawn health and vitality. It sets the foundation for a thriving, beautiful lawn that you can enjoy year-round.

 Mowing Tips:

We can’t stress enough how important this is. Sharp blades are critical for plant health.

The grass clippings will provide and return vital nutrients to the soil.

Mowing your lawn between 3 and 3 1/2 inches long has proven to be ideal for healthy grass in a home lawn.

Understand the importance of these steps a little further with Christopher Brown by clicking on the link:


Watering your lawn in the spring

As the weather increases, how long and how much you water will start to be essential for the health of your lawn. We understand that having the correct irrigation system that property works is not only very important but an investment. Here at Teed & Brown we now offer installation, retrofitting, upgrades and irrigation services. Click the link below if you would like more information on our services CLICK HERE FOR IRRIGATION SERVICES 



Stay ahead of that summer drought!

Here are some steps to follow in properly watering your lawn this spring:

  1. Determine Water Needs: Assess your lawn’s water needs based on factors such as soil type, grass type, weather conditions, and recent rainfall. Aim to provide about 1 inch of water per week, including rainfall, during the spring growing season.
  2. Choose the Right Time: Water your lawn early in the morning, preferably between 4 a.m. and 10 a.m. This allows the grass to absorb the water before the heat of the day evaporates it. Avoid watering in the evening, as prolonged moisture on the grass blades can increase the risk of fungal diseases.
  3. Water Deeply and Infrequently: Instead of frequent shallow watering, which encourages shallow root growth, water your lawn deeply and infrequently. Aim to moisten the soil to a depth of 6 to 8 inches, as this encourages grass roots to grow deeper into the soil in search of moisture. Deep watering also helps to establish a more drought-resistant lawn.
  4. Use Proper Irrigation Techniques: Use sprinklers, drip irrigation systems, or soaker hoses to water your lawn evenly and efficiently. Avoid using oscillating sprinklers, which can result in uneven coverage and water waste. Check your irrigation system regularly for leaks, clogs, or misalignments that may affect its performance.
  5. Monitor Soil Moisture: Periodically check the soil moisture level to ensure that your lawn is receiving adequate water. You can use a soil moisture meter or simply probe the soil with a screwdriver to gauge moisture depth. Adjust your watering schedule as needed based on soil moisture levels and weather conditions.
  6. Consider Rainfall: Take into account any rainfall your lawn receives when determining your watering schedule. If your lawn receives sufficient rainfall, you may not need to supplement with additional watering. However, during dry spells, be prepared to water your lawn to prevent drought stress.
  7. Water New Seedlings Carefully: If you’ve overseeded or planted new grass seed in the spring, water the area lightly and frequently to keep the soil consistently moist until the seedlings are established. Once the grass seedlings have germinated and developed strong roots, transition to a regular watering schedule.

By following these tips and guidelines, you can properly water your lawn in the spring, promoting healthy growth, deep root development, and a vibrant green lawn that thrives throughout the season.